Saturday, October 31, 2015

WD TV Remote

Turn your smartphone into a touch-screen remote for your WD TV® Live Hub™, WD TV Live™ or WD TV Play™ media player.

Control your WD TV experience with the tap of a soft key or the swipe of a finger using the WD TV Remote™ app. Simply launch the app on your Android™ mobile device and instantly take control of any WD TV Live Hub, WD TV Live or WD TV Play that is connected on the same network.

Key Features:
• Control your WD TV from anywhere in your house using your wireless network

• Get one-touch access to launch any online service available on your WD TV

• Enter text using your Android smartphone or tablet keyboard

• Use the gesture pad for quick and easy navigation

• Connect multiple Android mobile devices with the WD TV Remote app and conveniently play multiplayer games

Minimum Requirements:
• Android device running mobile operating system version 4.0 or higher

• WD TV Live Hub media center, WD TV Live or WD TV Play media player with the latest firmware.

• WD TV Live Plus with firmware version 1.06.42 or later and WD TV Live HD media player with firmware version 1.06.43 or later.

• Wireless access to your WD TV media player on your network (Your media player may be connected to your network via Ethernet port or wirelessly)

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Joe Leavy
It'll connect maybe 1 out of 50 times. Pretty when it feels like it. When it's connected it works 100%, when it's connected.....which it never does...
Rated: 1 Star

Goran Stojceski
The app is working properly and doesn't crash, but it is useless if I want to find and play my locally stored music (on the external hdd attached to my wdtv live) with the tv off. Does anyone have a solution for this?
Rated: 3 Star

Stephanie Burns
Seems like every time I try to use the darn thing I have to uninstall then reinstall to get it to work. Real pain in my butt.
Rated: 2 Star

Sarah Brady
The screen doesn't load so I cannot even use it half the time. When I am able to use it it doesn't work after the first time....
Rated: 1 Star

John O'Donnel
The UI is progressing, but power on feature doesn't work consistently. Kinda renders the app useless.
Rated: 2 Star

Pierre E Rern Yi
It works great the first time i launch it, but hangs on startup every single time afterwards. Tried it in 3 different devices - nexus 5, nexus 7, sony xperia v - and hit the same problem on all of them.
Rated: 1 Star

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